While We Keep On Waiting
Sometimes I start reading stories from the Bible, and think to myself “This seems so unrealistic,” or “I have a hard time believing this...

Do You Love Me?
Jesus asked twelve men to be his apostles, and my personal favorite is Peter. I feel this way because Peter seems to be the most human...

Pysanky: Pushing Back the Darkness
Pysanky is the traditional art of Easter egg decorating. With origins in Slavic countries, especially in Ukraine, these eggs are a...

Who are You, O sweet God and Who am I?
“Who are you, Oh sweet God, and who am I?” These words were repeated in my head as I prayed at the Altar of Repose one Holy Thursday. I...

Seasons of Growth
In sharing about the season of struggling and healing that I have been experiencing, my spiritual director recently asked me this...

Smile for the Lord
“Say, cheese!” This is the most famous saying when we are about to be photographed. We smile when we are happy. For instance, we smile...